Grading of White Jute Fiber

The following factors are considered for grading jute: color, length, fineness, luster, strength, cleanness.
  1. Bangla white special (BWS): White creamy color, finest, very good luster, clean and completely free from any defect.
  2. Bangla white-A (BWA): White to light cream, fine, strong and very good luster. Clean.
  3. Bangla white-B(BWB): Light cream to straw color, medium fine, strong and good luster.
  4. Bangla white-C (BWC): Light grey or light reddish sand strength, average luster, clean and free from croppy.
  5. Bangla white-D (BWD): Ary color, average strength occasional bark, slightly croppy and gummy tops.
  6. Bangla white-E (BWE): Ary color, ary strength, not very clean.


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